Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Day 1 of BYOT

Dr. Tim Clark is the Coordinator of Instructional Technology for Forsyth County Schools in Georgia. He has a blog at  I recently found a post on his blog providing strategies for the first week of school in a Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT) classroom.  Here is day 1:  Feel free to search his blog for other ideas.

Please share your plans for Day 1 of our BYOT Pilot here. 

Poll Everywhere

Poll Everywhere allows you go get instant feedback from your students.  To sign up for a free educators account, visit this link. For the free account, you can have an audience size of 40. Take time to set up and account and use it with your students.  Here are directions on how to use Poll Everwhere.


Socrative is a smart student response system that empowers teachers to engage their classrooms through a series of educational exercises and games via smartphones, laptops, and tablets.  Sign up for an account and begin using it with your students.

Watch the introduction video below. 

BYOT Prezi